Things to Know About Filling & Refilling of E-liquid Into Vape Tank

How to Fill Cartomizers These are the most frequent types of vaporizer tanks and may come either pre-filled or as sterile cartomizers. 1. Use a thumbtack to eliminate the white disc cover the cartomizer by adhering the tack into the small hole and shoving it apart. 2. Keep it at anyplace within 40 and 60-degree angle, and press a few drops inside the wall of the cartomizer, while gently twisting it for an even refill. 3. Ensure that you don't go on the mark that shows the complete capacity of the cartomizer or the liquid will float out. 4. Change the disk back in its first position. 5. Allow the cartomizer to sit on an even surface for about 10-15 minutes. 6. Attach the cartomizer to the e-cig battery and enjoy your vape. Things to Know About Filling & Refilling of E-liquid Into Vape Tank How to Fill Vape Mod Tanks 1. Pull the cartomizer at the bottom of the vape tank until you can see a little gap between the surface of the...