The Different Types of Coils & Their Analysis

When vaping first came about, coils were simply made out of thin single-strands of metal. Since that time, vapers have been coming up using innovative ways to enhance their vape encounter, whether it be via larger clouds or better flavor. Surely, the Clapton coil has been born. They can be produced with various vape wire types and gauges, many often Kanthal, stainless steel, or nichrome.

By and large, multi-strand coils like Claptons are for rebuildable. Some models include fused Claptons, aliens, staple coils, etc. In this guide, we clarify what a Clapton coil is, and cover some of the most popular variations of it.

What is a Clapton coil?

A normal Clapton coil is a thinner gauge cable closely wrapped around a thicker gauge core. Clapton's possess a slower ramp-up time compared to round wire builds, but are considered more flavorful as a result of their enhanced texture and surface region. Initially, Clapton and similar-style coils have been most used for sub-ohm and direct-lung vaping, but today they're just as likely to be utilized in mouth-to-lung vaping. 

  • Clapton can be found in diameters and resistances for many construct decks on rebuildable (RDAs and RTAs)
  • Moderately difficult to DIY, but achievable with practice and the proper instruments

What is a fused Clapton coil?

A fused Clapton is a thinner gauge cable wrapped around a couple of thicker gauge cores. The numerous cores give fused Claptons a quicker ramp-up time and arguably superior taste than non-fused Clapton, due to the increase in surface area.

The expression "fused" describes this process of wrapping multiple cables with thinner outer cords. 

  • Fused Claptons come in an array of resistances for both MTL and DL vaping
  • Fused Claptons generally have a faster ramp-up time compared to standard Claptons of the same resistance
  • They are slightly more difficult to create than a regular Clapton coil but relatively simple once you have mastered the Clapton

What is a staggered fused Clapton?

The Claptonized cores and staggered outer wrap produce additional texture and surface area. This gives it a lesser ramp-up time, but an edge in terms of taste over the standard fused Clapton.

The "staggered" effect is achieved by building a Clapton with two thin parallel strands, then removing them, developing a Clapton with evenly spaced outer pliers. 

  • They are created with a thin wire wrapped around two parallel Clapton cores and have evenly spaced outer pliers.
  • Staggered fused Claptons possess a slower ramp-up time compared to fused Claptons of the same resistance
  • They are more challenging to make than a fused Clapton, but easier after you have mastered the Clapton.

What is an alien/alien Clapton?

An alien Clapton, generally known as an alien, is a de-cored Clapton, wrapped around a multi-strand core. It's similar to a fused Clapton, except the outer wrapping has a rather distinct texture. Aliens have a slower ramp-up time than fused Claptons because of their larger surface area.

The textured outer wrapping is achieved by building a regular Clapton. Then, it is wrapped around a multi-strand core comprising the identical gauge.

  • Alien Clapton arrive in low resistances for sub-ohm vaping
  • Aliens are thick and call for a deck with quite large post holes or a clamp-style deck.
  • Aliens have a slower ramp-up period compared to fused Claptons of the same resistance

What is a staple coil?

A staple coil is a thinner gauge strand tightly wrapped around a pile of typically 8-10 horizontal ribbon cables. This variant of this fused Clapton includes a faster ramp-up time due to the piled ribbon cores. The very small grooves in between the wraps trap e-juice and bring about its enhanced flavor.

  • Staple coils come in low resistances for direct lung vaping
  • Staples are thick and require a deck with quite large pole holes plus a clamp-style deck
  • They are made out of a thin outer strand wrapped around typically 8-10 piled ribbon cores
  • they're more challenging to create than fused Claptons but achievable with sufficient training.

What is a framed staple coil?

The framed staple is a cross between the staple and the fused Clapton. It consists of stacked ribbon cable framed by round cable, fused, or "Claptonized" by thinner round cable. The various cores create spaces within the wire which gives it better taste than a typical staple and reduce ramp-up time.

The stacked ribbon core is "framed" between two round cores, which creates additional texture and gaps inside the coil, which makes it easier to wrap. 

  • Framed staple coils are low in resistances for direct lung vaping
  • They have a thin outer strand wrapped around a pile of ribbon cable sandwiched between 2 rounded cores
  • they're not simple to make but potential as soon as you grasp the fused Clapton along with the basic principles coil

What's a tiger coil?

The tiger coil is simply just a twisted coil comprising a single round strand plus a single flat ribbon strand. Twisting two differently shaped wires gives it longer pockets and grooves than a standard twisted coil. This creates more warmth and thicker vapor, giving it an improvement in taste over single-strand builds.

  • Tiger coils are high in resistance but can be used for both direct lung and MTL vaping
  • Tiger coils are a little thicker than twisted coils nevertheless fit into most conventional build decks
  • They are extremely simple to make as soon as you're good at creating routinely twisted coils

What is a hive coil?

The hive coil is created by creating two twisted wires, then twisting them together. It isn't an actual Clapton coil but serves an identical purpose and is a lot simpler to make. The hive coil uses the idea of a twisted coil to improve a surface area, which makes it an edge over plain round cable for flavor, but can occasionally create an excessive amount of spit back.

  • Hive coils are low in resistance and typically used for direct lung vaping, but can be used for MTL
  • They are easy to make as soon as You have mastered the twisted build, especially if You use a drill

Pre-made Clapton's and exotic coils

These coils serve the same purpose: to create vapor. These days, you can easily find pre-made Clapton's in every variation, including fused Claptons, aliens, flipped principles, etc. You may get them onto a spool, in rods, or hand-wrapped from the style and resistance of your selection.

Additionally, there are a variety of packs of premade Clapton available, so it is possible to experiment with which you like best. Pre-wrapped Claptons are well worth the cost, considering how much effort they take to construct. Remember that many of these exotic coils are extremely low in resistance and take a fantastic understanding of battery security and Ohm's law, particularly if you're using them on a mechanical mod.


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